List of publications (click here)
The Institute was founded in the United States in 1951. Its primary purpose was to
research Lithuanian culture. The Institute consists of the following divisions:
Lithuanian Language, Literature, Ethnography, Lithuanian Pre-history, History,
Geography, and Lithuanian American History. Full membership is extended to
degreed individuals pursuing Lithuanian research topics. Regular membership is
extended to those interested in the work and goals of the Institute. Appointed
positions in the administration are: president, division heads and trustees. The first
president of the Institute was Prof. P. Jonikas. The first division heads were: J.
Balys, V. Maciunas, K. Pakstas, J. Puzinas, A. Salys and A. Sapoka. A board of
trustees was formed to organize and maintain financing for the Institute. In 1953 the
Institute of Lithuanian Studies was registered in the State of Illinois as a non-profit
corporation. The primary means of achieving the goals of the Institute is publishing
the scholarly works of its members.
In addressing a growing concern of Lithuanian Americans that Lithuanian culture
and scholarship not dissipate in the younger generation, in 1955 the Institute
organized a series of college-level courses on Lithuanian topics, consisting of 75
lectures. At the XII World Lithuanian Symposium of Science and Culture, held in
Chicago in spring 2003, Institute members headed the Lithuanian Studies and
History sections.
List of publications (click here)