The museum houses rare objects of great
historical significance, representing various
aspects of the Lithuanian resistance movement
and struggle for independence – flags, emblems,
medals, insignia, documents, etc.
“Ramove” is the Lithuanian veterans union.
A group of initiators, at a meeting held on
February 26, 1950, decided to found a Lithuanian
veteran soldiers’ union. “Ramove” was officially
founded on April 2, 1950, when temporary by-laws were adopted. P. Plechavicius (a
general in independent Lithuania’s army) was elected president. The purpose of the
organization was to uphold tradition, provide aid to those in Lithuania rendered
invalids during the struggle for independence, and to participate in all efforts to
regain Lithuanian independence from Soviet occupation. The first chapter of
“Ramove” was founded in Chicago on May 14, 1950. On March 21, 1956, the
organization was registered in the State of Illinois as “Lietuviu Veteranu Sajunga
Ramove.” On November 25, 1958, with the support of all of its chapters, the
Lithuanian National Guard, and the Society of the Grand Duchess Birute, “Ramove”
opened their museum of military history at the Lithuanian Youth Center in Chicago.
In 1960, “Ramove” sponsored the erection of a monument at the Lithuanian Youth
Center, dedicated to those who died in the struggle for Lithuania’s independence –
architect J. Mulokas. (Lietuviu enciklopedija, vol. 24, p.p. 479-80).
In a 1965 issue of the “Ramove” bulletin (E. Vengianskas, ed.) A. Reklaitis writes: “In
the fall of 1949, there was a group of us devoted to the idea of bringing together the
men who had served in the Lithuanian Army into one, central organization-union…”
“Ramove” members supported the Lithuanian American council’s activities, wrote
letters, signed petitions and sent memoranda to members of the U.S. government on
the question of Lithuania gaining independence from Soviet occupation, participated
in marches and demonstrations protesting the Soviet occupation of Lithuania.
“Ramove” published books, organized meetings and cultural events. The monument
“Ramove” had built at the Lithuanian Youth Center became the starting point for
many an event: Lithuanian national holidays, ceremonies commemorating important
dates in Lithuania’s history, conferences, cultural events, Lithuanian school year
openings, and others. For many years “Ramove” organized the procession of flags
at the Lithuanian American Council’s annual Commemoration of February 16,
Lithuania’s Day of Independence. “Ramove” donated a series of portraits, depicting
Lithuania’s leaders throughout history, to the Lithuanian Youth Center. At the
unveiling ceremony, held November 27, 1966 (the anniversary of the
reestablishment of the Lithuanian Army) Lithuanian Consul General P. Dauzvardis
cut the ribbon, with members of the Lithuanian organizations “Neo-Lituanus,”
“Ateitininkai,” and Sea Scouts as honor guards.
By decision of the officers and board of “Ramove,” on December 27, 2001, the
Ramovenai Military Museum and its collections were transferred to the auspices of
the Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, Inc. The Lithuanian Research and
Studies Center proudly accepted stewardship of this important collection and
continues to operate and maintain the Museum, currently updating several exhibits
and performing minor renovations.