Reg Nr. 13062


1. Restructing monument in the occupied Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia,
Estonia. Summer and Fall 1988
2. Ansamblis „Kanklės” (1) 1994
3. Ansamblis „Kanklės” (2) 1994 oct. 8 Roch, NY
4. Lietuvos dainų šventė (III) 1990 liepa
5. Excerpt from Lithuania TV (Pt. I) 1988 - 89
6. Lithuania Jan 1991 - Vilnius; Julay 31 1991 - Medininkai
7. News of Lithuania i/13-1/25/91
8. News of Lithuania May 12-Aug 22 1991
9. News of Lithuania 5/29/90-12/23/90
10. „Armonika” Rochester NY 24/oct/93
11. Lietuvos dainų šventė 1990 liepa (I)
12. Lietuvos dainų šventė 1990 liepa (II)
13. „Armonika” 1993 24 oct/ Rochester, NY
14. News of Lithuania 8/23/-9/2/91
15. Baltic Requiem
16. News of Lithuania 12/25/90-1/13/91
17. Excerpts from Lithuanian TV (Pt. II) 1988-89
18. Excerpts from Lithuanian TV (Pt I) 1988-89
19. News of Lithuania 1/26/91-5/12/91
20. News of Lithuania 9/4/91-8/6/92
21. News of Lithuania 16/May-30 June 1990
22. Lithuania jan 1991 - Vilnius; July 31 1991-Medininkai
23. Išeivijos lietuvių tautinių šokių šventė July 5 1992
24. World University Games Buffalo 4-18 July 1993
25. Excepts from Lithuanian TV (Patr II) 1988-89
26. The Defection of Simas Kudirka
27. Legasy of Hope
28. Legasy of Hope
29. Ansamblis „Kankl_s”
30. 50th Anniversary - June 2-3 1984 Anthony and Sue Mazeika (Edited)
31. Excerpt from Lithuanian TV (Pert II) 1988-89
32. Excerpts from Lithuanian TV (Pt I) 1988-89
33. The Definition of Simas Kudirka
34. Ansamblis „Kanklės” Roch. NY oct. 8 1994
35. Ansamblis „Kanklės” Roch. NY oct 8 1994
Audio kasetės

Voice of America 8 July 1993  --- 6 vnt.
Armonika Roch, NY 24 Oct 1993 --- 2 vnt.
Laiškas, Balius, ir t.t. ----5 vnt.