Civil - Military Relations in Lithuania Under President Antanas Smetona 1926 - 1940
Dr. Robert Vitas
Chicago, IL: Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, 2004, 196 p.
The Process of Reconciliation within the Lithuanian Catholic Church: After the Soviet Occupation
Gudelis, Rimantas
Foreword by J. Schreiter.
Chicago: Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, 2002, 155 pp.
The Livonian Crusade
Urban, William L.
2nd Edition, revised and enlarged.
Chicago, IL Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, 2004, 550 p.
The Baltic Crusade
Urban, William L.
Chicago, IL: Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, 1994, 366 p.
The Prussian Crusade
Urban, William L.
Chicago, IL: Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, 2000, 443 p.
The Samogitian Crusade
Urban, William L.
Chicago, IL: Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, 1989, 304 pp.: iliustr.
The Samogitian Crusade: Revised Edition
Urban, William L.
Chicago, IL: Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, 2006, 237 p.
Tannenberg and After
Urban, William L.
Lithuania, Poland, and the Teutonic Order in Search of Immortality.
Chicago, IL: Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, 2001, 500 pp.
The Immigrant as Diplomat: Ethnicity, Nationalism, and the Shaping of Foreign Policy in the Lithuanian-American Community, 1870-1922
Hartman, G.
Editorial Committee: John A. Račkauskas, Ph. D., Robert Vitas, Ph.D.,
Remigijus Misiūnas, Ph.D.
Chicago, 2002, 258 pp. iliustr.
The Independence of the Baltic States: Origins, Causes, Consequences
Demm, E., Noel, M., Urban, W.
Chicago: Lithuanian Research and Studies center, 1996, 260 p.
A History of the Lithuanian Military Forces in World War II 1939-1945
Gaidis, Henry L.
Chicago, IL: Lithuanian Research and Studies Center,
Vydunas Fund, 1998, 300 pp.
The Livonian Rhymed Chronicle
Smith, J. C. and Urban, W. L.
Chicago: Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, 2001, 134 pp.
Review of Modern Lithuanian Grammar
Remys, E.
Chicago: Lithuanian Research and Studies Center,
Institute of Lithuanian Studies, 2001, 195 p.p.
The Lithuanian Renaissance & Reconstruction 1920-1925
Graham, M. W.
With Select Documents.
Chicago, IL: Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, 2000, 106 p.
U.S. Government Policy Toward Lithuania 1920 – 1922
Skirius, J.
Recognition of Lithuanian Independence.
Chicago, IL: Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, 2000, 121 pp.
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